Are you FOR or AGAINST the driver monitoring camera? drivecam

I’ve had the good fortune to speak to many Truckers and captured many untold facts of freight analysis from a Trucker’s perspective. Changes to regulations are done with little or no involvement of the Trucker. Many speak with passion about how they feel they are treated like equipment which just need a program to function and their views are ignored.
THE BIG QUESTION FOR TODAY- Cameras on the Driver or Not?
whats your views on the issue of a driver monitoring camera, why not just tape forward?


Before I can give my report on how the majority of Truckers felt about the cameras on the driver, I invite you to give your views and comments through SATrucker Facebook Page then later in the day I will give my findings.
Since the idea is to encourage dialogue, my findings should be put to test also hence comments and views will be appreciated. Fire!!!