23.5 C
Sunday, July 7, 2024

Here are the Official Fuel Prices for July

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Some good news to haul! The Central Energy Fund has given us all a lekker surprise: fuel prices are set to drop for the second month in a row.

Now, that’s what I call a festive gift in the middle of the year!

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These new prices kick in from 00:00 on Wednesday, July 3.

So if you’ve got an empty tank, wait till tomorrow to refuel and save some bucks.

Your wallet will be grateful.

This drop in fuel prices is a breather for all of us fighting against the pinch of inflation. Thanks to global markets swinging in our favour, we’re seeing these lekker savings coming our way.

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Check out the expected price cuts:

Petrol 93 — R1.10 per litre decrease
Petrol 95 — R1.04 per litre decrease
Diesel 0.05% — 36 cents per litre decrease
Diesel 0.005% — 31 cents per litre decrease
Illuminating Paraffin — 28 cents per litre decrease

So, let’s enjoy the ride with a bit more change in our pockets. Safe travels and happy trucking, mates!

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