Date/Time of Report: 2024-03-22 16:58:16
Contact Number: 0792363437
Theft Location: Grasmeer tollgate
Truck Make Model: Volvo FMX
Truck Color: White
License Plate: HNM133 FS
Distinctive Features:
Circumstances Of Theft: Hi -Jack at Tollgate. On the N1 going JHB. GRASMEER 2024/03/22
Police Reported: Yes
Police Report Number:
Additional Information:
Submit reports of stolen trucks and or trailers anywhere in South Africa. We will broadcast on SA’s biggest truckers’ online platform SA Trucker. Get our over 660,000 members on Facebook to be on the lookout for your stolen vehicle. On the next pages you will find the latest BOLO reports of stolen trucks and trailers. If spotted, please contact the nearest police station or dial 10111 or the contact listed on the BOLO report.
Disclaimer! Reporting on our platforms is only for the purposes of broadcasting, it doesn’t mean you should not report to the police.
This is an initiative by SA Trucker to contribute to the community we serve. Thank you for trusting us to help.