Chris Darnell Shockwave Jet Truck

Michigan – A jet-fueled semitruck, Shockwave Jet Truck, has exploded during a pyrotechnic performance at the Battle Creek Field of Flight on Saturday killing the trucker.

Chris Darnell, 40, who was behind the wheel, lost his life in the accident.

The city of Battle Creek says Darnell was driving the SHOCKWAVE Jet Truck during the show. The truck races more than 350 miles (563,27 kilometres) per hour down the runway as part of the show.

Emergency crews responded after the explosion occurred during the 1:10 p.m. performance by the Shockwave Jet Truck.

The Battle Creek Fire Department, Battle Creek Police Department, and Federal Aviation Administration are at the scene investigating.

“He was doing his show and going down the runway,” said Suze Gusching, media relations for Field of Flight.

“He passed by the explosion, and his truck had exploded.”

The air show is currently postponed.

The Shockwave Jet Truck is part of the Darnell Racing Enterprise’s show team, which includes the Aftershock Jet Fire truck and the Flash Fire Jet Truck. The teams are based in Springfield, Missouri.

According to the team’s website, the Shockwave truck feature three Pratt & Whitney J34-38 jet engines originally used in U.S. Navy T-2 Buckeyes.

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The engines produce 36,000 horsepower and provide 21,000 pounds of thrust, allowing the truck to reach speeds of more than 350 mph.

The team’s three trucks have appeared at shows across the U.S.