Overturned beer truck in Pietermaritzburg makes news for not being looted

Looters pouncing on an overturned truck or lost truck load in South Africa is no surprise at all. In the rarest instance where it’s not looted, social media users get astonished and even initiate investigations of how the obvious did not prevail.

Worse when it’s a beer truck, it’s not expected to last long. Yet, this one surprisingly was not looted even after ‘delivering’ at the wrong address.

Daily News reported about the unbelievable fit which happened on N3 before Market Road in Pietermaritzburg on Tuesday afternoon.

The truck lost its beer load and got stuck in the emergency lane.

Reacting our Facebook post reporting about the incident, people were surprised that they were no looters on scene.

People shared some hilarious comments about the incident.

One user commented with a pic of a man drinking beer next to an overturned truck and captioned it “Don’t be like this guy. You don’t drink at a crime scene lol”

Another wrote, “PMB residents will do voluntary work, no need for Spill Experts 😜”

“I thought looting is when they open the closed shop and takes what’s inside I never thought this situation is also looting,” wrote another one.

One comment then gave the reason why the load was not touched, “Nxa, police and security all over the place you can’t even take one six pack,” complained another person.