In a devastating incident on the N2 near Nyoni in the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal, six lives were lost and nine individuals left critically injured following a collision between an articulated truck and a bakkie.
Emergency response teams from IPSS paramedics reported that the fatal collision resulted in six immediate casualties, while nine others suffered critical injuries.
The incident unfolded with both vehicles travelling in the same direction, and the cause of the collision remains unknown at this time.
Video footage capturing the crash has circulated on social media platforms.
The video reveals the bakkie emerging from the right-hand side of the truck, appearing to overtake it.
Read | Dashcam Captures Horrific Crash Between Truck and Car on N2 Near Hluhluwe
The ill-fated maneuovre led the bakkie to cut into the truck’s path, culminating in a catastrophic collision.
The footage further documents the bakkie rolling more than two times, ejecting occupants across the crash scene.
The aftermath, as described by paramedics who swiftly responded to the scene, was a horrific tableau of injuries and loss of life.
Paramedics worked diligently to provide immediate assistance to the victims, transporting the critically injured to medical facilities for urgent care.
Investigations into the incident are underway to ascertain the circumstances and factors contributing to this tragic collision.
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